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In the past 90 days we have been visited by people from 16 countries – please CLICK HERE: 90DaysCountryAnalysis – to see where visitors came from.

New Huddersfield North TRA weblog

The Bradley Tenants and Residents Association and the Netherwood Close Tenants and Residents Associations are part of the Huddersfield North Tenants and Residents Associations.

Here is the new weblog where we will be publishing local information.

Over 3000 views!

Today we had our 3000th view since Bradley and Fixby News began on 14th November 2011.

Over 99% of you were from the UK but we also had some visitors from Canada, the USA, Poland, Jordan, South Africa, Singapore and Australia.

Thank you very much for calling in to see us!

Forthcoming attractions….

Following on from our publication of the History of Woodscape on Bradley and Fixby News (posted on April 14th below), we plan to release two other publications for you to download quite soon as a free gift. One is Woodlands on Your Doorstep – a leaflet about the conserved woodlands in North Huddersfield which you can explore and enjoy. The other is a longer booklet covering the entire heritage of the Bradley and Fixby woodlands in North Huddersfield. It’s a Woodscape production – so it’s naturally called Branches of History!


You can now download all these publications – as a free gift – on the ‘Free downloads’ page here on Bradley and Fixby News.